Thursday, April 30, 2009

Low Pressure Area

Here are signs that the Urban gurU is in a Low Pressure Area:
  1. he can't finish any job. in the first place, he don't have any idea how to start any task.
  2. he has thoughts of deleting an/some online account/s. or maybe not.
  3. he enjoys fighting in the arena with his brute. and of course robbing at mafia wars.
  4. he can't start any AI post. and thinks that the judges are way too biased lately.
  5. he tries to kill time by micro-blogging thru plurk. despite several blog posts he had started already but never finished anything.
  6. he doesn't mind eating his dinner. not unless his tummy demands it.
  7. he is just waiting for the subpoena from Smartbro since he haven't paid his internet bill for the past 3 months. same is true for his other bills.
  8. he still can't decide whether to pursue his postgrad this coming semester. the college secretary would surely kill him.
  9. he keeps on thinking which memorial plan he should take. cremation is topping his list.
  10. he tries to write a post that would make sense, at 2 in the morning. but thinks he's an epic phail!


  1. @efren: but the maintenance is very cheap! you dont have to pay taxes or whatever they are...
