Monday, July 7, 2008

Urban gurU hibernates


The Urban gurU will be undergoing hibernation from July 8-10, 2008. This is in relation to the 2008 ASEAN Youth Science Summit to be held at the Traders Hotel, Pasay City, Metro Manila, Philippines.
Quoting the 8th ASEAN Science and Technology Week website:

The ASEAN Youth Science Summit (AYSS) is a complementary activity of the ASEAN Science and Technology Week Celebration in Manila that will involve the science-inclined youth of other nations, specifically those coming from the ASEAN-member nations and eight dialogue partner countries.

The AYSS is a gathering of the youth from the said countries for the purpose of providing a venue for the next leaders of regional S&T development to discuss relevant scientific and global issues, with the end view of promoting peaceful agreements among Southeast Asian nations.

The Urban gurU had been invited by the Department of Science and Technology - Science Education Institute to facilitate the teacher's sessions of the said event.

Included in the country paper presentations in science education are:
  • Best Practices in Teaching Science Research to Students
  • Gifted Education in Science and Mathematics

The 8th ASEAN Science and Technology Week will be done simultaneously with the 2008 National Science and Technology Week .

Hence, the first ever ASEAN Youth Science Summit is an offshoot of the 2007 National Youth Science Summit (NYSS) which was co-presented by the Philippine Society of Youth Science Clubs (PSYSC).

So, I'm off to another week of blogging hibernation...

See you at the Traders Hotel!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Playing Tag

Since Tala insisted that I should follow her overdue tag, here it is:

Fifth sentence:
Was that guy for real?

Next three sentences:
Was Pittsburgh really scouting me?
"What if they are?" he said.
"It don't change what you gotta do, Chick."

For the record, this is the very first tag I'm replying to. And because of that, I'll put this tag to an end. Bwahahaha! (Oh! I'm such a deviant).

Those lines were from Mitch Albom's For One More Day. A book I bought as a birthday gift to myself last year but unfortunately up to this very day, I'm still not finish reading it. See how much I love this book...?

To be fair with Tala, here are the rules of the tag:
1. Pick up the nearest book of at least 123 pages.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.

Duh for rule number five! Harhar!


Talking bout tags, I came across this blog readability test a week ago. My blog's reading back then was actually GENIUS. But after a week, look at my blog's readability:

blog readability test

I'm really wondering why did my blog downgrade into this level...


Thursday, July 3, 2008

OVER: the week that was!

I know. And I am very sorry. I know that I do owe you all a lot.

So let me start my soliloquy by accounting all my eustress for the last week of June 2008...

23rd of June, Mesmerized Monday

Frank’ spared me from lecturing in the laboratory this day. However, he didn’t spare the lives of hundreds of people aboard MV Princess of the Stars, nor the ill-fated citizens of Western Visayas.

I guess my friend is right, Sulpicio Lines should start changing their line of business into Sulpicio Funeral Homes after all of those maritime mishaps.

I do remember boarding Princess of the Stars three years ago. It was a trip to Cebu for the 2005 National Youth Science, Technology, and Environment Summer Camp. It was only tonight when I finally decided to look up for my remembrance of that trip. Here it is:

I vividly remember how huge that ship was. If I’m not mistaken, it’s the largest vessel I’ve boarded. Who would believe that it would succumb to ‘Frank’ that easily?

24th of June, Thrilling Tuesday

While those living in Manila were enjoying their very long weekend holiday, I myself was indeed exuberant upon receiving my very first credit card. Many thanks to my orgmate’s blockmate in college who is also my co-teacher’s schoolmate in high school and grade school. Oh never mind the intertwined relationships!

In exactly 21 days, I received my HSBC credit card with a credit limit of Php*****.00. (I’ll keep it to myself coz you might be able to figure out how underpaid my profession is).

Nevertheless, just as an ‘old’ friend warned me not so long time ago, I swear from this day on that I wont use my card that much every time I pay a visit to the mall.

Using it twice in every visit is a good idea…right? What do you think?

25th of June, Wednesday Workout

One thing that made me very excited this day is the fact that it’s the first day of classes for my Photoshop class. Yippee! I’m glad to be a student once again. Teacher NiƱo, the school’s Art teacher, opened his graphic arts class for the school’s grown ups. So, who are my classmates? Teacher Lilia (the Filipino teacher), Teacher Ana (the School Registrar), and ultimately, Teacher Gracel (the School Principal).

At least now, I can edit already the pictures I’m posting here in my site (without using Paint!). Hehe.

See for yourself!

26th of June, Thursday Tautness

“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men.”

1 Corinthians 12:4-6

This is what the Lord impressed to me upon waking up from a dream before 3 in the morning. Thou I know that I had a hard time the whole day figuring out what am I supposed to do with my vision, the Lord assured to me my actions at the end of the day. "Mission accomplished," I would say. Thus, just as a colleague remarked the following day, this is just the beginning for me, I know that there are still a lot more things He prepared for me.

27th of June, Friday Fiasco

Even without enough sleep the other night, I still accompanied my class to their field trip to the Quezon City Central Post Office. It was also my first time inside a big post office. Despite my fascination on how they were able to sort and deliver all of those snail mails in the biggest city in Metro Manila, I was disgruntled at the same time by the actual condition of the post offices in the country. It seems that everything was a makeshift in that post office, from the packets where they sort the mails, to the used sacks of rice they use in delivering the mails to the other central post offices. Ridiculous, I may say.

Good thing my students still enjoyed the entire trip to the dilapidated post office. (Taken for granted that it was their first time to actually mail a ‘real mail’).

28th of June, Saturated Saturday

Work doesn’t end for me on a Saturday. By 7:15 am, I was at the school already 'coz we’re headed to Grace Christian High School for the International Competitions and Assessments for Schools – Science (ICASS). Two of my students joined the said competition. But since I have angst about this competition, I’ll be posting soon another entry about it.

After the contest, we returned to our school 'coz by 3 o’clock pm, we had the first Parent Interaction Hour (PIH). It’s an orientation for our student’s parents for the new school year (some sort of a PTA meeting).

At 8 pm, I had an organic dinner with a girl friend in a nearby vegetarian resto. But since I was not happy with my tall glass of homemade mango yogurt, I insisted to her that we should drink a bottle of –OH. Good thing she was not happy either with her cute mug of hot chocolate drink. And so we both drink a bottle of –OH.

And the rest is history...

29th of June, Shopping Sunday

What is the best way to formally end an entire week of eustress other than shopping? Answer: more shopping.

Today is the first time I used my credit card. And the first thing I bought with it are my…

Then I also bought a…

…and I lived happily ever after…