(Music: Ten-ten-ten-ten ten-ten-ten ten-ten ten-ten-ten ten-ten-ten-ten-ten ten-ten-ten… ten-ten-ten-ten-ten… I have a dream…)
Urban guru enters the music/-OH hub.
A guy taking a picture of the hallway blocks the Urban gurU’s path towards the staircase.
Urban gurU: Ah… excuse me…
Guy: Sorry… am not actually an artist. Am just trying to be one…
Urban gurU climbs the staircase and settles in one of the couch.
K: By the way, this is my friend Julie. Julie this is the Urban gurU and E.
J: Hello! I’m J. And I’m drunk. Hik!
E: Oh… you really are.
Twas a very hard Sunday for the Urban gurU. He was still sleepless after a pre-birthday party of a college friend at the north end of T. Morato. To think, the birthday celebrant was not actually there. Dammit.
To cap off his Sunday night, he went out with two friends to have dinner at a veggie restaurant at T. Morato. To his amaze, the taxi driver who brought him there was a ‘kababayan’ (townmate) from his dad’s place; who used to train with him for CAT way back in high school; who really looks like younger than him, to think he’s a taxi driver. Wadahek. His conclusion, this world is such a big place to live in, thou sometimes it is not.
K: You saw Marcus downstairs.
Urban gurU: Huh?
K: The one with the camera?
Urban gurU: Oh yeah… now I remember him.
It had been a great confusion for a lot of Ehead fans whether the reunion concert slated on August 30 will still push through. Being a fan, since grade school, the Urban gurU is very much concerned also of not getting the free tickets online. Now, how can he afford the cost of the tickets that is worth:
Philippine peso, after S & Bertelsmann Music Group took over the sponsorship?
To think, they’ll be releasing the tickets on the day attributed to the Roman god Mercury. Just imagine the pandemonium it will cause maybe in your favorite music store or in a prominent ticket outlet found in the biggest mall chain in the country!
J: Hello again!
Urban gurU: Hi! We’re just talking about some Eheads stuff…
J: Oh… Do you know the song Julie Tearjerkey?
Urban gurU: O-M-G! (Dropping entire jaw while eyes are popping out). No way!
J: I was already in third year when they were staying at Kalai.
Urban gurU: And I was in second grade when they formed the band!
Nostalgic as it seems, the Urban gurU’s dream brought him back to reality when he found his bed at 6 o’clock in the morning, realizing that he still need to attend a function at the Mandarin Suites at 10 o’clock in the morning.
“I wanted life to be this way
Just a little bit of love could mean so much
Oh please don't take it all away
But with you heaven is still close enough to touch
Because your love is still the only thing
That matters in this world
The only thing I can believe...”
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